
Hello! My name is Madi and my hubbie’s name is Joe. We are two local Oregonians who have discovered a love for cards and games and are looking to share that with everyone. We also love adventuring and want to share little pieces of our lives with people in hopes of inspiring others to follow their dreams.

A little about us. We live in the Willamette Valley. We have two fur babies that we love very much (see the cute photos). Their names are Biggie and Tino. Biggie is a queen and runs the house. Tino is our adventure baby and loves bring home presents. We both love riding OneWheels in our spare time as well as playing Pokemon cards, board games, and VR.

Biggie- queen of the fluffs

Tino- the (not so) tiny adventure kitten

We hope to be able to travel more in the future and share those adventures. We love camping and enjoying taking the OneWheels with us and trying to find new things. The Oregon coast is a special place for both of us and we visit there frequently. All the photos from our main page are ones taken by myself or Joe from the coast.

We hope that sharing our lives will inspire folks to follow their dreams. You’re never too old to try something new, even if it scares you. Follow along for more posts and updates and we look forward to adventuring and gaming along side you!


Our First Video!!!