Our First Video!!!

Japanese Fusion Arts Box Break

Japanese Fusion Arts

We finally did it! We posted our very first video on our YouTube page. Let me tell you, it’s been an adventure getting to this point. Joe and I knew we wanted to do something, but we weren’t sure what we wanted to do. It took a few years to get here, but we’ve finally found something we love to do.

Story time! We started playing Pokemon Go in 2016, stopped when it was REALLY boring, played on and off from the end of 2016 to August 2019. In August 2019, we found we loved plaing again, restarted, and hit the ground running. We both love playing and enjoy community days, Go Fest and shiny hunting. Our love for Pokemon Go led to our love for Pokemon cards. Joe also grew up playing Magic! and Star Trek, so he was already familiar with card games. What started as a hobby of just opening Pokemon, YuGiOh, or Magic packs morphed into opening packs to build playing decks and learning how to play the different card games. We still have cards we chase, but the goal is to find cards for our decks to build some great decks.

Game Night!

We also discovered Japanese pokemon at our local card shop. These have been a special treat to open and our first video is a Japanese Fusion Arts box break. These sets will always be featured on our channel because they are so fun to open. We are hoping to have many set to open in the future and if anyone wants send us Japanese Pokemon cards to open, please let us know.

Best pulls of the box!

Both Joe and I hope you enjoy the channel and watch our videos as we continue to learn and evolve (like Pokemon evolve). We are learning, growing, and figuring out we like and what we don’t. We look forward to sharing more box breaks, random finds, and adventures with all of you and grow our hobby. Thanks so much for watching!

The start of the Fusion Arts collection


The First Few Weeks

